DTR on
Revival Ch.6 “Persevering to the End”
PK here: I
offer the following sermon by my friend, the Rev. David Ryan, pastor at
www.hopelandumc.org. Pastor David and I are simultaneously preaching a series
based on Adam Hamilton’s book Revival. Here is what Pastor David has to say:
I love that
old hymn – standing on the promises!
We probably
should have sung that this morning.
I love the
promises of God
I have
counted them
I have
believed in them
I have
staked my ministry and yes, even my life on them.
I hold them
dear to my heart
And have
always found them to be true!
But here is
one, I wish He had not given:
We find it
in John 16:33.
The promise
is this:
“In the
world, you will have trouble!”.
How true is
And not just
every day kinds of troubles.
But troubles
that come to us because of our faith.
Hamilton, in his book Revival says this:
“When you
have vision, some will oppose it.
When you
challenge the status quo, you’ll ruffle feathers.
When you are
passionate, others will be skeptical.
When you see
a measure of success, some will find you threathening.
When you
seek to change things, you’ll encounter resistence”.
In this
world…and even in the church sometimes….”you will
be to God..that is not the end of the promise given.
The full
promise says…
“In this
world you will have trouble.
But take
heart! I have overcome the world”.
And what
that means is that if we are on the side of Christ…
Then we
share in that overcoming!
That’s why
we must not give up
At the first
sign of trouble.
Indeed…we need
to expect trouble
And be ready
for it.
And if we
never have trouble…well….maybe we are
Not really
being bold enough in our faith.
The Wesleys
– John and Charles
Knew all
about trouble.
Of course,
in following Christ, they brought it on
maybe that’s our calling too.
not the most diplomatic preacher!
He was a lot
more bold that I usually am.
In his
sermon “Scriptural Christianity”…
Wesley ended
up saying this:
“You are a
generation of triflers!
with God
With one another
And with
your own souls!
How few of
you spend, from one week to ather
A single
hour in private prayer?
How few of
you have any thought of God in the general tenor of your conversation?
In the name
of the Lord God Almight, I ask,
religion are you of?
Even the
talk of Chrstianity you ye cannot, will not bear.
And guess
what…he preached this sermon to a chapel full of
I guess he
was not worried about offending folk…
Maybe we
should not be so worried either…
believed that God expected more of us
Than just
trying to be better than the bad people.
We are
called to love, to faithfulness
To works of
mercy that we talked about last week.
But his
preaching of that brought him trouble!
His fellow
preachers thought he meddled to much!
Oh that we
might so meddle!
But you know
what they did?
Those fellow
They hired
thugs and rabble-rousers
To try to
break up his meetings.
Through out
his life,
Wesley, when
he preached was booed.
More than
booed – rotten vegetables were thrown at him
manure…and worse yet, rocks.
But Wesley
never let that get him down.
If it did
get him down…literally, he got back up again.
And I would
have to think
That the
only way that was possible
Was because
he was sure he was speaking not his words
Or his
thoughts alone, but Gods.
And not to
offend people…but to help them
To call them
to a new way.
Welsey was
not alone.
I’ve been
trying to be faithful about reading
Through the
Not long ago
I read in the book of Numbers
About a time
that Moses was having trouble.
The people
he was trying to lead were moaning and groaning.
They were
asking..why did you bring us out here in the wilderness
To die?
We were
better off when we were slaves, at least we had
Cucumbers to
They would trade
their freedom and their calling to follow God
You know
what Moses said?
We find this
in Numbers 11.
He says..
God just
kill me now!
I don’t want
to do this anymore.
I want to
give up.
But of
course, he did not give up.
persevered, and continued leading God’s people.
didn’t give up, despite the opposition he faced.
Hamilton shares a story of Martin Luther King.
Late one
night, in January of 1956
received a threatening phone call.
It wasn't
the first he had received, but that night
exhausted and drained, both physically and emotionally
That phone
call hit him hard.
discouraged him – and he seriously considered giving up.
But instead
of giving up, he gave it up to God in prayers.
And King
says that that night, sitting at his kitchen table
experienced God’s presence as he never had before.
He heard
God’s voice telling him to keep standing up
For truth
and righteousness.
experience strengthened him for the rest of his service to God.
he had given up.
Adam Hamilton, who
is pastor of our largest UM Church, shares
That after a
particularly discouraging time, he said to his wife
I think I am
just going to give up.
He said…his
wife asked him…is God calling you to quit…or are you just giving up”? Adam did not quit. And the church under
leadership continued to do great things.
Ministry is
And I am not
just talking about the work of the clergy.
The ministry
we are all called to is hard.
Sometimes it
might make us unpopular.
Wesley was influenced
by Proverbs 31:8-9
Which says…
“Speak out
for those who cannot speak, for the rights of
All the
destitute, Speak out , judge righteously,
Defend the
rights of the poor and needy”.
In his late
60s…when he could have been taking it easy,
Wesley began
to speak out against slavery.
Many of the
members of the Methodist Societies were slave owners. Slaves were crucial to
their wealth.
Others were
One time
when Wesley was preaching against slavery,
Here’s what
happened in the congregation
“The people
rushed upon each other
With the
utmost violence, the benches were broke
In pieces,
and nine-tenths of the congregation appeared
To be struck
with the same panic”.
I want to
stir folk up sometimes in my preaching…
had any pews broken!
sure we need to go there…
BUT….where is
our passion?
Are we so
afraid of offending another
That we say
Are we just
willing to “live and let live”…
When we
should be trying to make a difference?
I don’t
I think we could
be doing better…maybe not pew breaking..
But not
being afraid of a heated discussion!
Wesley also
meddled with people’s money.
And you
know…that’s another thing that sure can get
People riled
I was
reading some reports of a couple of churches.
And one of
the questions asked was…
Do you
preach/encourage tithing?
And they
said NO.
Maybe I
don’t do that enough.
But let me
tell you folks…
We are
called to tithing
with a 10% of our income going to the Lord’s work –
Wherever and
however he is calling us to support.
Wesley was
afraid that money was going to harm
And so he
taught this…which I think is good….
“Gain all
you can. Save all you can. Give all you can:.
wrong with making money.
believed that we should earn all we are capable of,
Providing we
don’t; hurt others, including ourselves,
In that
Then Wesley
said, with the money we have gained
We need to
save all we can….don't spend our money
In a
frivolous way…avoid spending money on nonessentials
Don’t spend
your money just to impress other people.
And the
reason to earn and save all we can
Is so that
we might give all that we can give.
Even as Welsey’s wealth increased,
He didn’t
change his lifestyle
He kept it
He began to
earn more and more money,
through the books he wrote
started his life and ministry tithing.
Giving ten
percent of his income to God.
Over time he
increased this giving
And by the
end of his life, it is said
That he was living
on 10% and giving away 90%
To the work
of God.
That’s kind
of staggering isn’t it?
It’s a
challenge to me.
Maybe it is
to you too.
And maybe
you want me to leave you
And your
money alone.
But guess
I love you
too much to do that.
I want to
encourage your faithfulness!
All the way
to the end of your life.
Wesley lived
to be eighty-seven years old.
That was a
pretty advanced age in the 1700s.
I don’t know
if you will find this gross or not.
I hope not.
But here’s a
picture of Wesley’s death mask.
It was a
practice in those days,
To put a
plaster over a persons face
Just after
they died
As a way of
remembering them.
This deathmask is housed in the World Methodist Museum
Where I was
this fall.
taught about perseverance in life.
He never
gave up…until his body gave out.
But even
then, he wanted, he said, to die a holy death.
Wesley had
often taught about holy dying
He wanted us
to think about how even in our dying
We could be
faithful witnesses.
I’ve been
with folks as they died.
Some died a
holy death…some not so much.
But for
those who did…it really was a precious time.
A time when
children and grandchildren and friends
Had time to
To express
To offer
To be at
To affirm
that while this was the end of their life on this earth
It was not
the end of them
That because
of their faith, they would all be gathered again
At the
throne of Christ.
Wesley was
surrounded with friends at his death.
It is
remembered that Wesley's last words were
“The best is
this…God is with us”
He also
tried, with his last breaths to sing.
“I’ve praise
my maker while I’ve breath
And when my
voice is lost in death
Praise Shall
employ my nobler powers
My days of
praise shall ne’er be past
While life,
and thought and being last,
Or immortality
We are the
church we are today, in part at least,
Wesley persevered.
He did not
give up.
He gave his
all to God and to the Church.
He tried to
lead a life that was yielded.
And I pray
that the same will be said of you
And of me at
the time of our deaths.
That we were
people who loved God, who grew in knowing God,
Who served
Make your
life count God
Oh..I know…we don’t do it ourselves.
We have
talked of that sanctifying grace.
But let that
grace into your life.
Yield daily
to him.
Almost every
day since November,
I have been
literally kneeling before God
And I have
been praying the covenant prayer
It’s been
changing me.
I encourage
you to do likewise.
Or however
else God may be leading you –
But find a
way, to daily yield to him
To let all
things be in his keeping.
Because, you
know, when we do that,
All things
are well.
persecution matters.
No storms
can truly disturb us.
No want can
shock us.
We are his,
and he is ours.
Keep on
keeping on folks.
To the
end…and beyond the end
To that
which comes next!
Let’s end
this series praying
covenant prayer together again.
I am no
longer my own, but thine.
Put me to
what thou wilt
Rank me with
whom thou wilt.
Put me to
But me to
Let me be
employed for thee
Or laid
aside for thee
Exalted for
Or brought
low for thee.
Let me be
Let me be
Let me have
all things
Let me have
I freely and
heartily yield all things
To thy
pleasure and disposal.
And now, O
glorious and blessed god
Father, Son
and Holy Spirit
Thou art mine,
and I am thine.
So be it,
And the
covenant which I have made on earth
Let it be
ratified in heaven.
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