Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Way or the High Way?

Transfiguration Sunday
on Matthew 17:1-9
A young professional asks his mentor the secret of success: "Right decisions," responds the elder.
Well how do you make those?
"Experience," says the mentor.
And how do you get that?
"Wrong decisions."

My hope is that through the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, and even through First Church, more and more people would make more and more right decisions.

Why do people come to church? 
Because they've received a personal invitation. 
Why do they return? 
Connection, belonging, the touch of Jesus.

Today's reading is about "the Transfiguration," Jesus glows with the light of God and is changed and blessed on the mountain. There is much we could talk about.
For example read Exodus 24 and 34, and note all the parallels to Moses...
Or contrast with Matthew 27 (crucifixion) which has many opposites...
instead of being glorified, Jesus is cast low
One thing about the Transfiguration is God's divine approval of person and ministry of Jesus, attaboy.

I want to talk about the change we see in Peter.
 Chapter 17 starts out with “Six days later...” 
Stop right there...
In chapter 16 Peter has confessed Jesus is the Christ, Jesus has been explaining that the Christ must suffer & die.
Peter rebukes Jesus, Jesus rebukes Peter & says “If anyone would come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me... Whoever wants to save life will lose it, whoever loses life for me will find it...” (16:24-25)
Peter wants to go “my way.” Like Frank Sinatra.
Jesus takes Peter up on the mountain (the high way), where Jesus is changed.
In the supernatural appearance of Moses and Elijah we get the combined witness of the law and the prophets, the appearance of two men of God who were initially rejected by people, men who also had supernatural experiences with God... we get the divine affirmation from God a la the baptism of Jesus...
And Peter & others freak out, fall to ground in terror...
And Jesus touches. Says don't be afraid. 
Jesus is with them. 
And prolonged exposure to the Son changes them.
They may not change overnight, but they are being changed by God, maturing into what God would have them be.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life (John 14:6)
& as we're exposed to Jesus, we imitate him (Ephesians 5:1) and he increases in us (John 3:30) and we mature.

UMH 259 prayer for Transfiguration Sunday

Holy God, upon the mountain you revealed our Messiah, who by his death and resurrection would fulfill both the law and the prophets. By his transfiguration enlighten our path that we may dare to suffer with him in the service of humanity and so share in the everlasting glory of him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever. Amen.

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