Second Sunday of Lent
Text: Matthew 6:19-24... Collect treasures in heaven... You cannot serve God and wealth...
• The story of the miser who went to heaven. St. Peter was showing him around, taking him to his new home. They passed mansion after mansion, until they came to his new home: a dilapidated shack. The man asked "We passed all those mansions, why don't I have one?
St. Peter replied, "We built the best one we could with what you sent us..."
St. Peter replied, "We built the best one we could with what you sent us..."
(aside: June M. died on Wed 3/12, her funeral today 2p. Speaking on 1 Cor 13 love is
patient and kind etc... and the promise of heaven... now we see
dimly, then we shall see clearly... June's life choices have been
made, completed, &by grace and faith of JC she knows fully as she
is fully known...)
Matthew 6:20 Collect
treasures in heaven... every day
21 where your treasure is your heart is also...
21 where your treasure is your heart is also...
23:26 My child, give me your heart, and keep your eyes on my path.
In Matthew the way to
collect treasures in heaven is by almsgiving, providing material help
for the poor. Almsgiving as spiritual discipline makes for healthy
heart, and both loosens money's grip on me and my grip on money.
will I choose this day to use the resources I have?
will be served by my choices? Who will be glorified?
Who will be lifted up, who will be ignored?
Who will be lifted up, who will be ignored?
Principle in
motorcycling that your bike goes where your eyes are... look through
the curve, past the obstacle, ok. Look to side of road or at the
obstacle, object permanence and fixation.
eye is the lamp of the body... how you see affects how you live...
your heart is in serving others your treasure is in heaven.
Love of money is a root
of all kinds of evil (1 Tim 6:10)...
as spiritual discipline makes for healthy heart, and both loosens
money's grip on me and my grip on money.
True religion,
the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this:
to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties and to keep the
world from contaminating us.
(James 1:27) Treasures in heaven.
Choose this day whom
you will serve... God or money.
do you draw that line about what is God service and what is material
service? In a way, take it to the Lord in prayer...
• Excerpt from Bringing the Imitation of Christ into the 21st Century, by William Menninger...
LORD is speaking directly to my heart
all the events of my life. Only let me pay attention.
God cajoles, sometimes God whispers, sometimes God shouts. Often I
let other cajolings, whispers and shouts drown God out.
only happens when I permit it, but I can permit it so habitually that
I become unaware of what I am doing. Let me begin now to listen to
God's voice.
is what God is telling me:
are my child and I love you.
want to be your source of contentment, your place of comfort and
safety. Stay with me, abide with me, and you will find peace for your
soul. I know the power that fleeting attractions have for you and
wish you the good use of them. After all, everything that is was made
to facilitate love. Only do not turn to them for what they cannot
give. Use my gifts unto my service and to show your love for others,
but never forget that
happiness lies only in me.
Hymn 451 Be Thou My
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