Sunday, July 24, 2011

Christmas In July

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Scriptures: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Jesus' parables of surprising growth and joy

• Sometimes you can’t ignore an idea.
The wording of this parable (pearl of great price) and the joy of the kingdom and the timing (July 24th -- stores are having "Christmas in July") and I couldn't ignore the idea of Christmas in July

• The parable of treasure in a field, the parable of the fine pearl – both parables have a pattern of discovery followed by joy follwed by willing sacrifice and ordering of life.

The one may have stumbled upon the treasure -- not everybody is looking for treasure, not everyone is looking for God -- and on finding it, ordered his life to obtain that treasure. Imagine your friends, family members, co-workers who may not know God, may not be looking for God, imagine them starting to ask questions, and being there to guide them.

The pearl merchant was actively seeking. Some folks are actively seeking God. Imagine being there with them, encouraging them and guiding them as they ask questions about God.

• This church was born because of people in Palmyra and Lebanon who knew the treasure of God and wanted to share that treasure with the folks in Campbelltown. They ordered their priorites and their own treasure and their resources and their lives to build a church community and then a church. And like a little bit of yeast in flour the church grew.

1st preaching service: 1/25/20, Rev. Longenecker, municipal bldg
Charter service: 8/29/20, Rev. Rhoads. 75 in attendance, 14 became charter members.
1st service on this location: 1/16/21 in old tavern on this location

Because of ordinary folks who ordered their lives and worked hard to build kingdom.

• Movie illustration (part of that idea I couldn't shake): The Fourth Wise Man (1985, Martin Sheen, Alan Arkin). Artaban, a magi (peer of Balthazzar Caspar and Melchior) studies and predicts the birth of Messiah, and against advice and in spite of ridicule sells all and purchases a ruby, a sapphire and a pearl to give to the newborn king... Orders his life willingly and joyfully, in spite of hardship, seeking the king.

• What is your life’s goal? What motivates you to join a crowd on a hot day and part with your resources to maintain?

Jesus’ life goal: (to seek & save the lost, to give life abundant, incarnated and born to have relationship with you)

• some have given life to Christ. Live life for Christ.

• Christmas in July: tomorrow is 25th, 5 months til Christmas (153 days).

Say to folks tomorrow: It’s 153 days until Jesus’ birthday, and I was just wondering, do you know Jesus? Do you know what Christmas is all about? What does Christmas mean to you?

• Hymn Joy to the World

Uncomfortably warm (seven days of about 100 degrees)
so we had worship in the Social Hall
Worship Attendance: 127 (very crowded)

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