• First Sunday of Lent.
with 1 John 1:5-9
with 1 John 1:5-9
@FirstUMCBville @kerrfunk
A video of the worship service was posted on
Facebook 3/10/19 https://www.facebook.com/FUMCWV/videos/555412964979380/
I’ve been listening to a lot of Billy Joel lately, and today’s reading reminded
me of his 1977 song “The Stranger”
Well we all have a face that we hide
away forever and we take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone…
they’re the faces of the stranger but we love to try them on.
Joel says our interactions with other people are based on different masks we
wear. He sings about the surprise (and shock!) when we get a glimpse of
someone’s hidden self, and confesses at the same time: have you ever let other
see your stranger?
Who does see, by the way? God does. God sees past all our masks. God is light, and in him there is no
darkness at all. And something that can be seen in the light can be
addressed. Mended, healed, made whole.
When I was a kid, you coulda made me cry by sending me to the principal’s
Or by threatening to call my parents. Total and shameful fear of exposure.
Or by threatening to call my parents. Total and shameful fear of exposure.
using Magrey deVega’s book One Faithful Promise for a Lenten sermon
series. The author tells about one day in college when he returned to his dorm
room and there was a message on his answering machine: “I saw what you did last
night. Don’t think that nobody saw.” The message made him sweat quite a bit,
but it turned out he was the innocent “victim” of a friendly prank. But it feels
like when you’re driving and a police car pulls behind you – you review your
actions to see if you’ve committed any infractions.
When we are truly vulnerable, exposed, in the light, God can deal with our issues.
Something that can be seen in the light can be addressed. Mended, healed, made whole.
Something that can be seen in the light can be addressed. Mended, healed, made whole.
happened with Adam and Eve in the garden. King David after Bathsheba, and the prophet
Nathan (2 Sam 12). Even Jesus in Gethsemane. God is able to meet us in our
vulnerability and work in us.
• What is God like? How would you describe
God? How do your feelings about exposure line up with your descriptions about
God is good, God is just, God is loving and righteous.
God is able and desiring to forgive.
Forgiveness is good for us and even necessary.
God is the source of forgiveness.
God is good, God is just, God is loving and righteous.
God is able and desiring to forgive.
Forgiveness is good for us and even necessary.
God is the source of forgiveness.
is period of self-examination and repentance and renewal.
Wesley: It’s important to be deeply aware of own sin and guilt so to see the
saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Read from covenant prayer (p. 13 in book).
and this concluding paragraph from Step One (p. 21.)
Wesley’s first step is necessary: Confide in God and confess your sins. Take inventory of the ways that you’ve wronged God and others. Remember how helpless you are against the constant barrage of sinful influences around you, and your ongoing struggles within you. Admit that you can’t defeat these sins on your own. And prepare yourself for an adventure that will lead you to making and keeping a faithful promise in Christ.
and this concluding paragraph from Step One (p. 21.)
Wesley’s first step is necessary: Confide in God and confess your sins. Take inventory of the ways that you’ve wronged God and others. Remember how helpless you are against the constant barrage of sinful influences around you, and your ongoing struggles within you. Admit that you can’t defeat these sins on your own. And prepare yourself for an adventure that will lead you to making and keeping a faithful promise in Christ.
closing prayer p. 22:
Gracious God, thank you for seeing me for who I really am and knowing me better than I even know myself. Teach me to trust in you, that I might not fear the consequence of vulnerability and transparency before you. Forgive me of my sins, and show me the power of your redeeming love. Amen.
Gracious God, thank you for seeing me for who I really am and knowing me better than I even know myself. Teach me to trust in you, that I might not fear the consequence of vulnerability and transparency before you. Forgive me of my sins, and show me the power of your redeeming love. Amen.
399 Take My Life and Let it Be
1 John 1:5-9
5 Now
this is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is
light, and there is absolutely no darkness in Him. 6 If we say,
“We have fellowship with Him,” yet we walk in darkness, we are lying
and are not practicing the truth. 7 But if we walk in the
light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we
say, “We have no sin,” we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in
us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us
our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ò

based on the book à
10 Confide in God - 1 John 1:5-9
17 Compose your Spirit - Romans 12:1-3
24 Claim the Covenant - Hebrews
31 Choose faithfulness - Matthew
7 Connect to God in Prayer - Luke
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