Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Gathering

• Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
with Isaiah 56:1, 6-8  @FirstUMCBville  @kerrfunk

I preached today at another church in town, Barboursville Baptist Church, as several area churches participate in a “pulpit swap.” All in all, six churches participated, and feedback was pretty positive. We might aim for twice a year swaps.
This sermon is on youtube at

• I’ve been a pastor in Barboursville for about four years. Three ish years ago several area pastors revived an ecumenical pastor gathering, and we call ourselves BAM (Bville Area Ministerium). There’s currently 7 churches whose pastors meet once a month or so.
• Isn’t it funny how language changes from region to region? Once I lived where they called the stuff that roads are made of “macadam.” Other places call it “blacktop” (even as in Take the blacktop south out of town for three miles and turn right). I grew up with “asphalt”.
Simple example, but language can really define us, who’s in the circle and who’s an outsider, intentionally or unintentionally.
We make / define outsiders. Isn’t that horrible?
• Who’s in the circle. In some respect (not all) that’s denominations and states and ideologies.
• Today’s Isaiah reading (Isaiah 56:1, 6-8). We don’t get to say who’s in the circle. It’s up to God. And God says that even folks we’d call outsiders, if they covenant with God, He’ll bring them into his temple with joy. He’ll make it a house of prayer for all nations.
And if God accepts someone we’d call outsider…
• what do we do? Isaiah 56:1 act justly, righteously.
Be humble and edifying. Consider the wellbeing of others. Weigh it against your own. Build other people up.
Serve others (is it convenient? Was it convenient for Jesus?) and judge not.
Live graciously to all.
Habit #5 (Stephen Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Successful People).
Seek first to understand then to be understood.
• Let us live as examples of unity within Bville. It exists among your pastors.
Unity within WV. Within nation. Within world (worldwide church news 500th anniversary of Martin Luther and the reformation, a joint declaration including many worldwide church bodies)
Unity as a means of addressing substance use disorder and racism. We stand together against substance abuse. We stand together for recovery and for ministry to families.
• We have a story to tell to the nations.

Isaiah 56:1, 6-8 (Common English Bible)
56 The Lord says:
    Act justly and do what is righteous,
    because my salvation is coming soon,
    and my righteousness will be revealed.

6 The immigrants (foreigners. outsiders) who have joined me,
    serving me and loving my name, becoming my servants,
    everyone who keeps the Sabbath
       without making it impure,
    and those who hold fast to my covenant:
7     I will bring them to my holy mountain,
    and bring them joy in my house of prayer.
    I will accept their entirely burned offerings
      and sacrifices on my altar.
    My house will be known
       as a house of prayer for all peoples,

8   says the Lord God, who gathers Israel’s outcasts.
I will gather still others to those I have already gathered.

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