Originally posted by Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball (@BishopSandraSteinerBall)
on her Facebook page, 6/8/16, 9am. Paragraph numbers added by Kerry Bart.
1| The Gospel of John records Jesus's farewell prayer for
the disciples on the night before he was crucified. He said: “I do not pray for
these only (meaning the twelve who were gathered in the room with him, the
first disciples), but for those who believe in me through their word (meaning
all of us who are heirs of the faith through the ripples of evangelism and
witness cast forth from the first disciples), that they may all be one. As you,
Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world
may believe that you have sent me.”
2| There is a saying long attributed to John Wesley, the
founder of the Methodist movement, that has appeared frequently in Methodist
writings through the years, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty;
and, in all things, charity.” Some claim this saying originally came from a man
named Meldenius, who wrote it during the religious wars in Europe in the 17th
3| Whoever originally penned it, the saying is a basic
guide for those who believe we can do more for the kingdom of God together than
we can do individually.
4| This saying was used in England, in John Wesley’s time,
as an antidote to the religious wars that had ravaged the country. In the 18th
century, religious people fighting and killing one another was still a painful
and living memory. The people were sick of religious wars. That is why this
aphorism became so popular. But Wesley used this phrase not only to refer to
the religious wars, but also to express his concern about division in the early
Methodist movement. Our present day is not the first time that Methodists have
had different, competing thoughts and ideas. In early Methodism factions
emerged among the leadership within the societies. People identified as
Calvinist, Moravian, or Arminian Methodists and there were significant serious
differences among these perspectives. These theological differences have never
really gotten resolved and have led to differing perspectives in our present
Methodist ecclesiastical house. I believe that Wesley realized that for the
sake of unity, meaning the unity of which Jesus speaks and which is given as a
gift of God, it is necessary to decide whether doctrines or relationships
should become essentials.
5| “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and,
in all things charity.”
6| Out of the same revulsion to religious division, and in
the same century, the founders of this country insured the separation of church
and state in the Constitution, so that the state would never use its arms on
any side of a religious struggle. This country’s European ancestors/founders
remembered religious wars where people were killed over differing religious
beliefs. They recognized what terror could result from strongly held competing
religious beliefs. In our time both at home and around the world terror
continues to occur because of competing religious ideologies.
7| Our Wesleyan belief in grace, specifically perfecting
grace, tells us that God’s dynamic love works through change and becoming.
Instead of God looking at the world and condemning all of us who are sinners,
saying, “No, you are not part of me because you have sinned/are sinning,” God
sent Jesus, Love in perfect form, to show us sinners that God is not done with
us yet! Additionally, Jesus tells us to go and share the Good News that God is
not done with anyone yet. We are called to tell people – even in the midst of
difference – that God has given, and that God’s gift and God’s desire for all
creation is to be in unity through grace and love. The unity that Jesus speaks
of is not an act of human will or tolerance; it is the idea that God’s dynamic
love works through transformation and is given by and is a gift of God.
8| Religion, or at least the practice of Christian
religion, is not meant to divide or to harm or to tear people down or to kill
people. The purpose of religious practice is to build people up, to lift people
high, and to give people hope and life.
9| Lately, there has been much conversation in The United
Methodist Church about what divides us, especially when it comes to the topic
of human sexuality. There has been talk among some of schism, of dividing the
Church over the particular issues that divide this country – many of those
issues being the “isms” of this world. There is disagreement, and in the midst
of the fear and defensiveness that often comes from disagreement some people
actually push for the church to divide into groups of like-minded people and
form various homogeneous communities, where everyone thinks alike and acts
alike. But to take that action would be unfaithful in light of Jesus’ prayer.
Jesus prayed that we might all be one. The unity of God’s people with God and
with one another was the top thing on Jesus’ mind, the top priority of his
life, even in his very last hours of life as he made his journey to the cross.
Jesus did not make this journey to stand against something or to protect
something, but to be the bridge for God’s perfecting power of love and grace.
10| For United Methodists, as followers of Christ, we need
to recognize: what really are the essentials? One essential we believe in as
United Methodists is that each of us is a holy, beloved, and valuable child of
God. We all are created in God’s image. We are all pursued, accepted, and
covered by the unbounded love of God’s grace. No one of us is better than
another. This is the unity we are given by God. It is part of the divine
purpose and is present as God is present. It is more powerful than our
thoughts, our theologies, or our actions which divide. It cannot be overcome or
denied. We have all received grace upon grace. When we divide ourselves we are
only turning our backs to the unity that is all around us, the unity in which
we live in spite of our limited awareness.
11| A second essential to understand is that none of us is
perfect. That contributes to our limited awareness. We are all sinners saved by
grace. None of us has all the truth. None of us sees or understands perfectly.
Sometimes we want to cast out evil, when that is God’s job and not ours. If we
would seek all for Christ, we can trust that in midst of changing and becoming,
ours and theirs, God’s transforming power and love will cast out the evil in
all of us in whatever form that evil may take. All of us now see ourselves
through a clouded mirror, through a lens that has been damaged by fear, hurt,
or hopelessness. The distortion of our sight is exacerbated by our biases and
prejudices. We must confess that and seek God’s more excellent way.
12| As we seek God’s more excellent way, a third essential
is that we follow Jesus to the best of our conscience, wisdom, knowledge, and
with as much passion and energy as we have. And, knowing that each person is
created as we are, in the image of God, we must seek to see, hear, and know the
divine image in the other person while hoping to be a conduit, a revelation, of
God’s Spirit contained in the divine image within us. An essential is to be
intentional in our work of “having the mind of Christ.”
13| These are the things I believe Wesley put forth as the
essentials. Wesley thought if we could be united in these efforts and beliefs,
then in other things we could trust God and allow liberty, so that in all
things we could be charitable and gracious with one another.
14| I believe that the Church must operate in this way,
with these essentials in mind, not only for its own sake but also for the sake
of the advancement of God’s mission, ministry, and saving efforts for the
world. The prayer of Jesus is that the world would be one, so the world may
believe. It is for the world that we must be united. If the religious communities
fight within and among themselves, then how can the world be saved? Our mission
is to show a better way. Our mission is to show that in this God-given world of
wonderful diversity, there is a better way of handling differences,
disagreements, and differing opinions among human beings. God sent God’s son
into the world not to condemn the world, but so that the world would have life
through him. God’s rescue plan and life-saving mission in and through Jesus
Christ gave us a prayer, a prayer that I believe expresses God’s deepest
yearning and deepest hope. “I pray that they may all be one; even as you,
Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world
may believe.” X
Bishop Steiner Ball's essay ends here.
A quick review by Kerry:
"In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and, in all things charity." (paragraph 5)
What is "essential"? (paragraph 10)
One, all are created in God's image (paragraph 10)
Two, no one is perfect, and no one has perfect understanding (paragraph 11)
Three, we must follow Jesus to the best of our ability (paragraph 12)
"The prayer of Jesus is that the world would be one, so the world may believe. It is for the world that we must be united." (paragraph 14)
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