Monday, April 6, 2015

A Divine Dialog

The Divine Dialogue: A Possibility

Jesus: Look at ’em down there, Pops. Don’t you just love ’em?

Father: I DO love them, Son. 
They’re some of My favorite things in all Creation!

Jesus: You’re smiling, Pops, but I know You… 
something’s bugging You, too. Tell Me what it is.

Father: Oh, Son, I love you. You know Me so well. 
Yes, something IS ‘bugging Me’…
My people, they just don’t seem to GET it.

Jesus: Get what?

Father: Oh, You know… LIFE. 
I’ve put them in a world of possibilities
and given them endless potential,
but they are usually distracted by shiny things.
And they focus on themselves way too much.

Jesus: I know what You mean, Pops.
It’s just like You said: They just don’t seem to GET it.
But I’ve been thinking…

Father: Go on…

Jesus: I’ve been thinking, 
what if I were to go there and SHOW them how to live?
SHOW them righteousness and right priority and right relationship?

Father: Oh, Son, I think it’s a GREAT idea… But…

Jesus: …Yes, Father?

Father: You know. We’ve sent people. We’ve INSPIRED people.
But things haven’t always gone well for them.
I’m thinking… They might kill You.

Jesus: I’ve thought about that. They might.
And I’m thinking… that’s a risk I’m willing to take.
Like I said, I just love them to pieces.

Father: You’re the best. And You know what, Son?
I love You, and there’s nothing You or anybody in the world can do about it!

Jesus: Aw, Pops, I love YOU, and there’s nothing You or anybody in the world can do about it!

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