DTR on Revival Ch.3 "A Crisis of Faith"
PK here:
I offer the following sermon by my friend, the Reverend David Ryan, pastor at www.hopelandumc.org. Pastor David and I
are simultaneously preaching a series based on Adam Hamilton's book
"Revival". Here is what Pastor David has to say:
Last week,
we left Rev. Wesley helping us
difference between being an “almost Christian”
And “an
altogether Christian” –
Our aim of
course, is to be an altogether Christian –
One who is
fully surrendered, yielded to God
And living
their live in a way that pleases and serves God.
But….how do
we get there?
That was a
question that Wesley struggled with for a long time – maybe
it’s one that you have struggled with too.
If that’s
the case…you will especially want to give a listen this
Wesley was
doing his best.
He was
reading his bible. He was
teaching Bible and Theology to others. He was
leading and participating in a small group of believers. He’d been
ordained a Priest in the Anglican Church…
I’d say he
was doing everything a person could do to be right
with God….except one thing
And it was
that one thing that he took a long time to
figure out.
Wesley had
everything in his head.
He had lots
of knowledge.
He knew lots
of stuff about God.
He practiced
the disciplines of faith…
But…by Wesley’s
own admission…
It was all
here…up in his head.
It wasn’t
making it down to his heart.
To help
close that 12 inch gap…
The distance
between the head and the heart…
God would
use a storm.
Our friend
John Wesley did not like
Being on a
boat….much less a ship
Out in the
middle of the Atlantic.
But in his
day…that was the only way to
get to
America – to the colonies.
And Wesley
had a calling to go –
A mission to
Georgia had
just been established as a British Colony…
And they
needed some clergy.
The folks at Oxford sent Wesley.
convinced his brother Charles
And a few
others to go along with him.
He’d been
afraid of the sea…but…
If that was
where God was leading…
He was
willing to follow.
On Oct. 14
1735 he boarded the Simmons
And set off
for Georgia.
It took three months to make the
I know some
of you don’t like to fly.
At least a
flight is usually not three months!
Can you
imagine…having to do something that
You really
were not comfortable with –
For that
But Wesley
did it.
He really
did love the Lord
He really
did want to serve him
He really
did want to minister to others.
And so he
did it.
But oh the
They shook
Wesley to his core.
He was
certain he was going to die.
And it
caused him to doubt his faith.
wondered…how genuine was it
If he was
not ready to die?
You see, I
think God was there in the storm
Waiting for
John to see Him.
Waiting for
John to be drawn to him.
But John
didn’t quite get it then.
But what He
noticed was that while he and the other English on the ship
were terrified….
There were a
group of Germans – Moravians…
who were
calm – reportedly singing a hymn….
Now these
were folk John admired.
He couldn’t
see God…but he saw them.
He thought a
lot about them during his time in Georgia –
Which really
didn’t turn out so well.
Lots of
things happened.
He didn’t
make as much headway as he thought he would.
Fact is, he
was a little rough on people.
He offered a
5 am prayer meeting…
Which…is not
a bad thing in and of itself,
But he said
that you could only share in communion
If you
attended these early morning services.
He once had
a parishioner tell him
“I like
nothing you do..indeed there is no one in this town who is going
to listen to you. You can preach all you want, but no one is
going to come”….
Those are
words that warm a pastors heart! Not!
He also fell
in and out of love –
And the
woman he had fallen for married another –
Not long
after that, John headed back to England…
But he never
forgot that storm –
And those
singing Moravians.
Wesley knew
they had a faith that he did not possess.
They knew
God was in the storm…he did not.
He was on
the brink of quitting preaching all together –
But the
Leader of the Moravians – Peter Bohler encouraged
him not to quit.
said…Preach faith till you have it, then because you have it, you will
preach it!
But Wesley
could not forget that storm –
And that was
a good thing –
there are things every one of us can learn
From the
storms that come into our lives.
We look at
scripture –
And we see
all kinds of folk who had to deal with storms.
Think about
Noah – 40 days and 40 nights of flooding.
Jonah – all
those days in the belly of a whale.
disciples – who terrified by the storm
Even while
Jesus lay asleep in the front of the boat.
Or Peter –
being swamped over by the stormy waves
As soon as
he took his eyes off Jesus.
Most of us
don’t like storms –
not the emotional kind.
literal lightening and thundering
Can make us
jump, but those storms soon pass
But our
emotional storms seem to hang on longer
Don’t they…
those times
in life
everything just seems to be going wrong.
When it
seems like you are getting hit on all sides
When it
seems like everything is coming down on you at once.
When it seems
like things you have been working so hard on
Are all
falling apart.
When it
seems like we don’t have a friend in the world.
Those times
when your spirit just wants to call out
Where are
you God?
Have you
abandoned me?
Have I done
something so wrong that your are punishing me?
Giving up on
If you get
to that point when you want to call those things out….
Do it!
Call out and
ask God where he is…
Because I think you will hear him say…
“I’m right here”.
“I got you”
“I’ll help you get through
Can you
imagine John Wesley not wanting to preach?
Feeling like
he didn’t have it in him?
His storm
lead him to Aldersgate Street –
Where the
Moravian folk were studying
An Intro to
the book of Romans that Martin Luther wrote.
Luther too
had been through a storm –
His was a
literal one –
He had clung
to a tree and prayed with all his might
That if the
Lord would deliver him
He would
serve him…and the Lord did deliver him
And Luther
did serve the Lord.
In that
intro to Romans,
Luther was
saying…that its by faith that we are saved.
Not by our
But by our
You know who
wrote the book of Romans?
A guy named
Paul too had
his share of storms to get through –
spiritual and physical.
He was
shipwrecked once…
But God saw him through.
He had lots of spiritual storms
He was imprisoned
for his faith.
He was
beaten…he was put on trial
he was killed for his faith.
But I don’t
think Paul would have traded any of that
Away –
because of what it taught him.
Paul tried
all kinds of ways to be right with God
Before he
met Jesus.
He called
himself a Pharisee of Pharisees.
He knew the
He did his
best to live the law.
But he wasn’t
He didn’t
have joy or peace or really love.
There was no
grace in his life.
What turned
things around for Paul was when
He really
met Jesus.
That too was
in a time of crisis.
God had
struck him blind!
But he had
the ears to hear God….
And God got
a hold of his life
And poured
his grace in…
And Paul was
a changed man.
So changed,
his name was changed –
It used to
be Saul – it got changed to Paul.
sometimes Paul gets a bit convoluted in his writing
In Romans –
at least it feels that way to me –but he was trying to communicate some really
big ideas..
So I guess we
can excuse him.
In our
scripture for this morning,
Paul is
writing about Abraham…
And how
Abraham was said to be a righteous man
Even though
he didn’t work towards that.
that Paul, and John Wesley who was a lot like him…had done all kinds of work
trying to earn that state
Paul says if
you work for something, you should be able to expect
That a fair
wage be paid.
like…you get hired for a job, you do the job, so at the end of it, or when
payday rolls around…you have your hand out saying –
Hey – I did
my part – now pay up.
Some folks
think of their spiritual life like that.
They do all
this work and then they expect God to pay up.
is this big problem.
God does not
pay up for inferior work.
And guess what…all
our work is inferior.
We can never
be good enough to earn
All that God
wants to give to us.
So what are
we to do?
Go without?
There’s good news.
We can’t
earn God’s blessing.
We can’t see
our way out of the storms
That life
hits us with on our own.
We can’t
earn the righteousness….
But we don’t
have to.
Because God
loves us.
He treasures
us above all else.
He’s got
grace for us.
And he gives
it away
For free.
You heard me
For free.
I know.
I know…its
hard to believe.
But it’s
That’s how
much you are loved.
All you have
to do is trust in that love
first…trust in that love to bring you into
relationship with God.
Cease your
Cease your
Stop trying
to earn it.
You can’t.
But it’s
yours anyway.
Trust it.
Trust Him.
And when the
storms of life start raging all about you….
Trust him.
Cease your
Cease your
His love is
with you.
changes that.
I know.
I know
that’s hard to believe…
But it’s
faithful in the storm.
Let the
storm bring your closer to God.
I know that
every other love can let you down.
At some
point, every other love has its breaking point
We do our
best, but sometimes we let each other down.
We are not
But God is
How’s that
for profound?
God is God.
Amen and
God is God
And God is
Nothing is
as bad as God is good.
No storm out
storms God’s abundant Grace.
If you find
yourself in the midst of a storm
And you feel
like you are drowning
And you
almost feel like you can’t make it.
Cling to
this truth.
God is God.
And because
he is God and because he loves you
He will see
you through.
You will get
You will
swallow your share of sea water
And that can
be nasty.
But God is
And He’s got
Let that
trust, that knowledge
Flow from
your head to your heart.
John Wesley
said it was like his heart was strangely warmed.
When he
stopped trying for righteousness…he found himself
One that
came not from his own striving
But from
that marvelous grace of our loving Lord.
To know that
experience that grace
That love…
just the best thing there is.
My heart
My eyes cry
When I think
of that amazing love.
brother came to this same experience
About the
same time.
He tries, in
many of his hymns to find words
To express
what happened to him
To my heart,
one of the best is the hymn
We know as
“And Can it
Listen to
the Amazement that such a marvelous
Reality can
be ours…
Wesley asks…
1. And can it be that I should gain
an interest in the Savior's blood!
Died he for me? who caused his pain!
For me? who him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be
that thou, my God, shouldst die for
2. 'Tis mystery all: th' Immortal dies!
Who can explore his strange design?
In vain the firstborn seraph tries
to sound the depths of love divine.
'Tis mercy all! Let earth adore;
let angel minds inquire no more.
3. He left his Father's throne above
(so free, so infinite his grace!),
emptied himself of all but love,
and bled for Adam's helpless race.
'Tis mercy all, immense and free,
for O my God, it found out me!
4. Long my imprisoned spirit lay,
fast bound in sin and nature's night;
thine eye diffused a quickening ray;
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
my chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed thee.
5. No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in him, is mine;
alive in him, my living Head,
and clothed in righteousness divine,
bold I approach th' eternal throne,
and claim the crown, through Christ my
Oh my
God is so
His love so
And its
directed to you – your heart is where he wants to dwell.
Are there
storms in your life right now?
If so it’s
ok. Meet God in the storm.
You will
find Him True and Faithful
And the only
one able to bring you through.
There is
grace enough for you.
Come to
Christ, my friend.
Do not hold
You’ve been
trying on your own for far too long.
Now is the
Now is the
Let Christ
into your heart.
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