Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Few of My Favorite Wings

• 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
on Matthew 13:10-12, 34-35, 53-58
in which Jesus speaks about parables, and is rejected in his hometown.
This will mark the end of the year's study of Matthew. Next week we'll celebrate Christ the King Sunday, and then Advent begins. We'll resume with Matthew 14 in Lent.  @FirstUMCBville  @kerrfunk  

"These are a few of my favorite wings..." yes wings, not things.

I once had some hotwings that were called “Creeping Dog” hot.
The name caught my interest, drew me in with its imagery.
The experience was intense and memorable... not forgotten but legendary.
(if only you could engage people with such intrigue and power when speaking)

My favorite hotwings are from Columbo's in Lancaster PA, but they are no-name.
Perfectly delicious. Nice little burn, maybe cumin aftertaste. To-die-for with celery and chunky blue cheese dressing.
And an hour or two later you still taste it... (I know, pastors aren't supposed to talk about burping, but you'll not soon forget it, will you?)
(if only you could engage people with a tantalizing story
they'd still be ruminating on a few hours later!)

A few of my favorite THINGS... (yes, now I'm talking about the Sound of Music.)
In the movie the children are frightened by a thunderstorm and Fraulein Maria seeks to calm them down by guiding their thinking, redirecting them away from their fears.
Then later on it's not a thunderstorm but the loneliness and grief of life that compels them to sing again of their favorite things, to redirect their thoughts.
(if only you could engage people in how they think,
to shape and direct them, and equip them for kingdom living...)

This is of course exactly what Jesus did, using parables as one of his tools. He drew people in, caught their interest, KEPT their interest with staying power, led them in ways that changed their lives, and that they'd talk about for generations.

But some will reject. Because it's not what they expect.
And people don't want unexpected. They want control.
And when the people of Jesus' hometown heard him, they were not willing or able to reconcile the amazing Godly wisdom with the boy they once knew,
...Jesus was too unexpected, uncontainable for them.
They could not receive the good news
because they stumbled over its presentation.

God wants to do great things among people... in our lives... and some of that requires our participation, positioning ourselves to let God work in us.

(District Superintendent Greg told story of arrogant preacher Augustus Toplady, a contemporary of Wesley... Legend has it that one time while traveling in the country there was a terrible storm, the kind of storm that makes a nonbeliever pray, and this preacher cried out to God and found refuge in a nearby rock wall that had space enough to shelter him and his horse's head... Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee...)
Jesus is our supremely worthy refuge,
and we do well to take his hand and rely fully on him.

Hymn 361 Rock of Ages

Matthew 13:10-12, 34-35, 53-58 CEB Nov. 16 / 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
10 Jesus’ disciples came and said to him,
“Why do you use parables when you speak to the crowds?”
11 Jesus replied, “Because they haven’t received the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but you have. 12 For those who have will receive more and they will have more than enough. But as for those who don’t have, even the little they have will be taken away from them.

34 Jesus said all these things to the crowds in parables,
and he spoke to them only in parables.
35 This was to fulfill what the prophet spoke:
I’ll speak in parables;
I’ll declare what has been hidden
since the beginning of the world.
[Psalm 78:2]

53 When Jesus finished these parables, he departed.
54 When he came to his hometown, he taught the people in their synagogue.
They were surprised and said, “Where did he get this wisdom? Where did he get the power to work miracles? 55 Isn’t he the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother named Mary? Aren’t James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas his brothers? 56 And his sisters, aren’t they here with us? Where did this man get all this?” 57 They were repulsed by him and fell into sin.

But Jesus said to them, “Prophets are honored everywhere except in their own hometowns and in their own households.”
58 He was unable to do many miracles there because of their disbelief.

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