Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bringing Treasure

Twentysixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
on Matthew 12:31-37, 
in which Jesus mentions a sin which will not be forgiven
and speaks again of bearing good fruit.  @FirstUMCBville  @kerrfunk

Curious, puzzling, partly disturbing passage to read. Blasphemy against the HS is unforgivable? The general thinking is if you are concerned that you've committed the “unforgivable sin”, you haven't.
Jesus says tree is good (and its fruit) or tree is bad (and its fruit).
If you didn't get it, he spells it out: there are good people and there are evil people, and everyone will have to answer for their actions. (v.36)
How's that make you feel?
Makes me a little squirmy...
Makes me kinda wish God graded on a curve,
so that I (a pretty decent fellow)
could be compared against someone really bad...

That's kinda how we think of it, if we're honest.

But if we're honest, does not each person already deserve condemned guilty? (v.37)
I think of Rom 3:10 (no one blameless) and 3:23 (all have sinned)
and John 3:17 (Jesus did not come to condemn...)
Good news that although all earn condemnation, 
Rom 8:1 there is no condemnation and Rom 10:9 Believe in heart, testify with lips... and John 17:3 gift of eternal life is to know God

Our words and deeds represent / indicate what's inside us.

We're on crest of new year...
making plans, committees, budget, leadership, vision.
Asking you to confirm, reaffirm commitment to Christ and to congregation... to bring good fruit out of your good treasure.

Commitment to Christ: All. Willingness to let the light of Christ shine in dark corners of life, not withhold parts. Commitment to witness. To learn at Master's feet.
Commitment to congregation. We affirm that we will support the church with our “prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness” in our baptismal/new member vows.

Easy (& fun) to commit to a sports team, but compare the return...
Your team doesn't notice much if you leave them.
The church notices. We need your commitment (to Christ and church)

Prayer from p. 401, UMH
Hymn 444 Young and Fearless Prophet

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