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On Matthew 9:9-17
Jesus calls Matthew to follow him,
On Matthew 9:9-17
Jesus calls Matthew to follow him,
Jesus is judged on account of his followers,
Jesus weighs the old versus the new...
• Jesus calls Matthew, Matthew stops what he's doing and follows Jesus... and
Jesus gets judged because of his followers.
I wish I had Jesus' presence of mind, his wit... (read the book,
Jesus says: Healthy people don't need a doctor,
Jesus says: Healthy people don't need a doctor,
sick people
do (verse 12). Brilliant.
God desires mercy, not sacrifice;
God desires mercy, not sacrifice;
relationship over ritual.
(there's a way God wants you to act & you're not doing it)
Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
(there's a way God wants you to act & you're not doing it)
Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
The church is to be a hospital for sinners,
not a club for saints.
• What
business is Jesus about? Verse 12.
circle it, memorize it, something...
Jesus came to be about
healing people.
business are the Pharisees about?
Maintaining tradition.
expands beyond tradition.
(for example, tradition says you fast,
you fast often... the more you fast
the more religious you are...
Jesus says fasting for the sake of fasting is just that...
tradition is not the same thing as serving God.
God isn't interested
in fasting for fasting's sake,
God is interested in LIVING MERCY.)
• And
then Jesus says a few things
about old and new things.
talks about old wine and new wine.
Now some folks have picked this
passage apart,
trying to support or refute one side or the other
regarding whether there's alcohol in that wine,
but this is one of
those statements I take at face value.
Wine is mentioned in the
bible, quite a bit.
Before there was water
There was unclean water.
But wine was safe. Beneficial. Enjoyable.
• Bible
talks about vineyards,
and Israel being God's vineyard (Isaiah 5).
1, God the
gardener enjoys gardening,
enjoys the garden and its fruit.
2, God
the vineyard owner enjoys the fruit of the vine!
• Wine
(ancient) always in production,
not once and done like a tattoo or
your will,
but ongoing process.
Always going to be haircuts,
going to be new wine.
the new may not be identical to the old.
May look/taste/feel
• I
believe Jesus is acknowledging that
the new will always
be different than the old,
and that some will prefer
the old
(how about that old pair of jeans, nothing like
and some will prefer the new.
One or other is not “better” but certainly
And in verse 17... both are kept safe.
• Jesus is saying here that
God is interested in what we
Are we producing good fruit for the kingdom?
Are people
being drawn to God by what we're doing?
Are people experiencing God,
experiencing new life,
or are they dejected and rejected?
came to call sinners.
Not to judge 'em or condemn 'em,
but to call them
to follow.
To initiate people into the presence of the living God,
who is interested in what they make of what they have,
and less
interested in serving tradition for tradition's sake.
• We
come to church, to the table of God,
to participate in (and receive!)
God's healing;
we're called to go forth to offer and invite others
(without judgment!)
they may receive life and healing
as GOD would give to them.
• And
when we come together,
when we break bread together,
we know God, and we are known by God...
we know God, and we are known by God...
the breaking of the bread,
God is made known,
God fills our souls.
In the blessing from the cup,
In the blessing from the cup,
God lifts us up,
God makes us whole.
• Hymn
(insert) In the Breaking of the Bread
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