Luke 9:10-17, Jesus feeds a multitude
• We’ve been learning about
Jesus, who he is, and 2 weeks ago the disciples we
re sent
out. They return and they withdraw (IMO, to worship)

• As a few weeks ago, they’re
interrupted, and, as a few weeks ago, Jesus is undeterred. Once again Jesus is
involved in ministry, teaching and healing the people, and leading the disciples.
• Having given the disciples
authority earlier in the chapter he gives them the responsibility to feed the
crowds. They respond with “this is what we got”.
• And Jesus uses what they’ve
• And where in earlier chapters of Luke the
question “who is Jesus” was left unanswered, in this telling we have several
Jesus is the bread of heaven who gives of his life for the world;
is enough for the multitude (John 6:41) (and really, should we be surprised?
Jesus has spoken to a storm and calmed it, he’s saved a man from demons who was
unsavable, he’s healed untold numbers of people and he’s raised a girl from the
dead – should we be surprised that he can feed thousands with five loaves and
two fish?)
Jesus foreshadows communion in
how he takes the bread, looks to heaven, blesses and breaks and gives. And the
fish are there to answer the question who is this? Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Savior. In Greek, (Jesus Christ, theo huio, soter) or ichthus, fish.
• Jesus
is not normal or average.
And Jesus calls disciples to follow and do.
And we
are called to receive Christ and to present Christ , even when it seems
• Closing Hymn 398 Fill My Cup
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