From 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 and 3:5-9
• It’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s about Jesus.
As today’s opening songs testify… (I will call upon the Lord, My
life is in You, Holy is the Lord, How great is our God…) It’s not about me or
you, it’s about Jesus.
It’s about Jesus
and you as a disciple
It’s about Jesus and you as an apostle.
It’s about Jesus and you as an apostle.
• Took a break from our reading in Luke for today, for a few words
from Paul to the church in Corinth.
We read in Acts
chapter 18 that Paul had traveled to Corinth and lived there a year and a half,
teaching about Jesus the Christ, first to the Jews, and then to the Gentiles. After
some time he sailed to Ephesus, where he lived for three years or so, again
teaching about Jesus.
It was from Ephesus
that Paul wrote letters to the church in Corinth, having heard about conflict
within the church.
As long as there
have been churches, there has been conflict in the church. Paul wrote to
Corinth about twenty years after the resurrection of Jesus.
• Paul appeals to the folks in Corinth to be united in mind and
thought and to work together, and that is my appeal to you, CUMC.
The solution to
church conflict is not that the loudest group wins
And the solution to
church conflict is not that the "losers" leave
Both of those
options make the devil happy
and the church and its witness suffer.
and the church and its witness suffer.
My appeal to you is
to participate in the life of the church together – to be co-workers in God’s
service (1 Cor. 3:9), working together for the glory of God.
It’s hard, and by
God, it’s possible.
• I’m reminded of the beginning of the book of Nehemiah. Remember
Nehemiah had learned how the walls of Jerusalem still lay in ruins after
Nebuchadnezzar had taken the city generations before. Nehemiah went to the
ruins and rallied workers together to repair and rebuild the wall. Read
chapters 3-6 and you’ll learn how many people worked together, and how they
overcame naysayers and attackers and accomplished the mission that couldn’t be
done. Took ’em about seven weeks.
• That’s what I’m asking of you, church. To work together to
rebuild this church. To come to the table and put in the effort to be the
church. To set aside fears and prides and it-can’t-be-dones, to commit to
Christ and to the church, and do the work of healing this congregation. What
better way to demonstrate the glory of God than to be the church united in mission
and ministry to the Campbelltown area.
• It’s not about you, and it’s not about me. It’s about Jesus.
• Oh yeah – why “SDG”?
Johann Sebastian
Bach was a German composer 300 years ago. He wrote these initials at the
beginning and end of his church compositions, and some of his secular
compositions as well. George Frederic Handel was also known to inscribe his
compositions with these initials.
SDG is the
abbreviation of the Latin term “Soli Deo Gloria” which means “To God Alone be
the Glory.”
It is my hope and
prayer that the things I say and do would give glory to God.
It is my hope and
prayer that the things this church does would give glory to God.
To God alone be the
Now turn in those commitment cards you took home last week