Third Sunday after the Epiphany
1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Nehemiah 8:1-10
The church is a body, a unit, with a common goal.
Our body’s common goal, our purpose
to reach out to all people with the love of Christ and to make growing,
living disciples of Jesus Christ.
How? Disciple making is hard, and not
accidental (but planned)
and not the work of one but the work of many (body)
and not the work of one but the work of many (body)
God has placed workers in the body… here as 1 Cor 12:18. There are always a few
faithful ones ready to lead, ready to build the body.
It takes working together, as leaders
and participants.
It takes risking self, getting uncomfortable.
And it is worth it.
We owe
a debt of gratitude to Nehemiah, b/c the public
reading and interpreting of God’s word, which is central to so many worship
services, has its roots in today’s passage from Nehemiah. Although somehow the
reading and interpreting has gone down from the original six hours...
• An outline of what's been going on in the book of Nehemiah:
• An outline of what's been going on in the book of Nehemiah:
* People are returned to land from exile. Nehemiah is a governor under a foreign king. Neh finds out that the walls of his holy city are in ruins, and he weeps. Prays to God in confession and repentance and seeking favor.
* And now chapter 8: they ask for the reading of the law.
* Receives leave from his boss to fix the walls.
* Gets there and people catch his vision and work day and night, giving of themselves and their resources, working with all their heart, praying with all their might to rebuild God’s city.
* Completed in 52 days.
* God is glorified, enemies are frightened because of the display of God’s power. People return to the holy city.
• They ask for the law and its reading causes them to weep. Scripture doesn’t specify why they weep, although mourning is mentioned.
(we weep at birth, wonderful. Death, powerful. Found if lost. God is like parent too, weeps for us in love and compassion and joy as well.
God has placed workers in the body… There are always a few faithful ones ready
to lead, a few Nehemiahs and Ezras, ready to build the body, for the glory of
It takes the community reading and
interpreting the word of God, and worshiping and acting.
Pray for people of surrounding area. May God move in us to move among community in ministry,
not waiting for them to come here to hear word but to go there bearing word,
buoyed by unity and discipline, ready to make disciples. With help of God.
• Hymn 52 O God Our Help in Ages Past
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