Acts 4:5-12 and 1 John 3:16-24 (accidentally used Fourth Sunday lectionary texts)
• A Facebook friend of mine who apparently also rents property out said they noticed a new tenant's Olympic medal, and wondered who on Facebook had met Olympic winners. Well, I was a childhood friend with Nelson Diebel, Olympic swimming champion, 1992 Olympics in Barcelona (look him up on wikipedia or google) and yeah, I've seen his medals.
Think of a "brush with celebrity" that you may have had, and tell someone about that event...
How about your spouse or significant other? Tell someone about what is special about that person? Or, who is someone you would like to meet, and why?
• Who is your #1 teacher… Why? Tell someone about this person and what makes them your favorite teacher.
• Last night at church there was a Mother/Daughter banquet... Tell someone something special about your mother.
How do you feel about Jesus? What do you love about Jesus?
Tell someone about this...
I wonder if the world really knows Jesus. It doesn’t take much encouragement to
get us to talk about the people we love, and we spend our lives getting to know
the significant people in our lives better. In fact we know it can be dangerous
to ask a new parent (or esp. a new grandparent) to tell about their baby
because you might be there for a while!!
We bump into a celebrity in the grocery
store or see one on vacation and we go gaga…
But the world doesn’t know Jesus. If
they DID, oh think of the
scripture today... Jesus is:
Healer, even when he's not around. Peter healed a lame beggar in Jesus' name. Jesus is healer, even absentee.
Cornerstone, worthy of building upon. Basing life on. Trusting in.
Savior. Imagine you're in a car wreck, an EMT saves you. Later, you meet. What do you tell people about the person who saved your life? How do you interact with that person? Jesus is savior!
• Jesus is love personified, perfect in love and action (1 John 3:16-18)
• Jesus Alone is worthy of praise. Jesus is worth telling about. And the world needs to
hear about this Jesus.
Hymn 454 Glorious Is Thy Name Most Holy
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