Pentecost Sunday
Confirmation / New Members received
Memorial Day Weekend
Scripture readings today:
Acts 2:1-8 - The disciples receive the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost
Acts 2:1-8 - The disciples receive the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost
Exodus 19:1-8 - The Israelites in the desert respond affirmatively to God's commands
John 14:15-17, 25-26 - Jesus says keep my commandments, promises the Holy Spirit
• Tradition has it that God gave the Israelites the Law
fifty days after the exodus event. Thereafter the giving of the Law was celebrated with a
harvest festival called Pentecost. No coincidence that the Law is connected to
divine production (harvest). People of God do not exist merely to exist but to be
involved in divine harvest.
Exodus 19. God
is about to give the Law.
God tells the people You are my Precious Possession. (I watched the movie "Courageous" in which a father gives his teenage daughter a precious ring as a reminder of how precious she is to him, and as a covenant between them).
God tells the people You will be a Kingdom of
Priests (priests offer sacrifices on behalf of others, and conduct others into divine
God tells the people You will be a Holy People (set aside for God).
And the
people said We’re up for it. We will do everything the Lord says.
• At the first Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection (and
ascension) God again makes himself known to the people, this time through gift
of the Holy Spirit and his power. Now at Pentecost Christians celebrate the birth of the church, the fulfillment of Jesus’
promise – Jesus had promised One to be with us as companion, guide, teacher.
• Human beings on our own are pretty lousy about keeping
covenant, so God gives power.
• Where does power come from? Some kind of generator. How’s it
get here? Wires. We don’t go to power store like grocery store and pick up a
few bags of power. Ordinary metal wire conducts it, doesn’t hold on to it but
conducts it.
That’s how
we are to be with God’s power: conductors, not vessels. God flowing through us,
bringing about reconciliation of world.
• What else is conductor?
Musician who leads.
Train guy who
gets you there.
Use of gifts and service.
• We are called to be conductors. To be obedient to God. To bear
(conduct) God’s power to others. To bring others into presence of God.
Many have made vows of service to God. We renew today.
Many were baptized. We renew today.
(transition into Baptismal Covenant for new members)
(Eight new members received)