Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Methodist Prays Continually

•Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
On Five Marks of a Methodist by Steve Harper
Mark #4 of 5, A Methodist Prays Continually
with John 15:4-8 and 1 Peter 2:1-6

You cannot produce fruit unless you remain in me…
My Father is glorified when you produce much fruit and in this way prove that you are my disciples.
– Jesus, in John 15:4, 8

• Current series on Five Marks of a Methodist by Steve Harper, based on the teachings of John Wesley. Really, Five Marks of a Disciple.
“When the lights are on, the king is in the castle.”
Five indications that God is king of your castle.
A Methodist Loves God (receives God’s love)
A Methodist Rejoices in God.
A Methodist Gives Thanks.
A Methodist Prays Continually

• Story of rising waters, jeep, boat, helicopter.
Prayer is putting ourselves in position to receive.
Like old television rabbit ears.
•I’m always amazed at Jesus’ prayer life. 
John 15, Jesus knows the will of God,
is in the will of God because of Jesus’ times of prayer,
Jesus’ positioning himself to receive from God.
• “Prayer is the way we create and sustain our relationship with God.”
– p.38, 5MoaM
• Prayer is intentional, & may be rote, may be scripted.
John Wesley was priest in Church of England,
and the Book of Common Prayer was daily bread.
He had a habit that maintains health
like brushing teeth and showering.
Rich in scriptures.
Structured for both individual and corporate prayer.
BCP created an establish pattern,
and could get you through the dry times.
• “John Wesley prayed with words and in silence. He prayed alone and with others. He prayed when he felt like it and when he felt as if his prayers were making no difference. He prayed with the inspiration and guidance of the Bible and with the instruction of tradition. He prayed with the full range of emotions.” – p. 40
• Brother Lawrence, 17th century French monk. BL was noted for his continual prayer (practicing the presence of God), notably in his assigned duties in the kitchen, which he didn’t particularly care for.
Commit moment by moment.
At the beginning of my duties, I said to God with a son-like trust, “My God, since You are with me, and since it is Your will that I should apply my mind to these outward things, I pray that You will give me the grace to remain with You and keep company with You. But so that my work may be better, Lord, work with me; receive my work and possess all my affections.”
Finally, during my work, I continued to speak to Him in a familiar way, offering Him my little services, and asking for His grace. At the end of my work, I examined how I had done it, and if I found any good in it, I thanked God. If I noticed errors, I asked His forgiveness for them, and without being discouraged, I resolved to change and began anew to remain with God as if I had never strayed…-- Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God. p. 37
• My favorite / recommended prayer:
The Jesus Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
It's a breath prayer, to be repeated again & again.
Yet another way of positioning.
• However you do it, do it. With sincerity,
and with intention when you haven’t the feeling.
• Story from p. 42 on Larry’s journey to prayer.
• “This is true prayer, lifting up the heart to God.
This is the essence of prayer, and this alone.”
– John Wesley, qtd on p. 41
• What can you do this week to position yourself
for intimacy with God?

• Into hymn 496 Sweet Hour of Prayer

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