Sunday, August 31, 2014

Paradox and Repentance

• Twentysecond Sunday in Ordinary Time
on Matthew 11:16-24, 
in which Jesus scolds unrepentant cities.  @FirstUMCBville  @kerrfunk

Earlier in chapter, we affirm identity of Jesus Christ, 
and of John the Baptist.
Now we learn about the crowds... about people in general.

People are fickle. 

John the Baptist ate sparingly and didn't drink, 
but the people were not satisfied with him. He was weird. (Matt 11:18)

Jesus ate with sinners and drank,
and the people called him a glutton and a drunk. (Matt 11:19)

People have seen Jesus in action and have remained unmoved.
People have seen miracles and have not changed lives or actions. 
(Matt 11:20)

People are hard-hearted, like Pharoah.

And Jesus should remind you of Moses, 
God's chosen one sent to free the people.

Jesus has done miracles,
& miracles should get attention 
and should inspire change.
But the people are unmoved.

So Jesus reminds that if you lay down with dogs you'll get fleas.
The laws of God are good and just.
And if you follow it's for your benefit.

 On the Last Day it'll be better for Sodom 
than Tyre, Sidon, Capernaum. (Matt 11:22)
The sins of T, S, or C aren't spelled out here,
but we do know the sins of Sodom...

Ezekiel 16:49 Sin of Sodom is this: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 
They were haughty and did detestable things before me.

Pride, gluttony, unmoved, stingy... These are the sins of Sodom.
Laws of God are for your benefit...

Humility, simplicity, generosity, compassion... 
These are fruits of repentance, signs of God's priority in your life.
These are qualities Jesus demands.

And Jesus gives us grace. 
It's a paradox because grace is freely given: 
there is nothing we can do to earn saving grace 
(i.e. works righteousness) AND our works must reflect God's grace... 
the fruits of repentance must be evident in our living.

Jesus gives both warning and encouragement (paradox).

When he comes again, how would you like to look him in the eye?

I need him. I want to be like him.

Hymn 206 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

1 comment:

  1. I love god i have belonged to him since i was a small child . God has carried me in his arms at my lowest . Wiped away my tears . From the moment . I was born. I choose not to lay in no ones bed. But in the arms of my god
