Sunday, February 19, 2012


Mark 9:2-9 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Transfiguration Sunday

• Sometimes you see in the newspaper or esp. online soldier’s surprise visit with family and it makes you smile… Josie’s pride over Christmas visit of soldier nephew Steve V. active duty – several folks in the congregation… joyful reunion that encourages and strengthens both family and soldier

That’s how I think of the transfiguration… Jesus has been on his chosen assignment for some time now – thirty odd years, let’s say, since he was deployed on his mission of salvation and reconciliation. And though he keeps in regular contact with father (and his commander), actual reunions are rare.

The pace of his assignment is picking up, he’s getting nearer his objective, and he’s told his company a bit about the mission and the company’s not sure what to think… takes a few squad leaders with him and goes on a little divine recon. Meets with Moses and Elijah and receives divine affirmation for the mission, God’s “atta-boy”, keep on keepin on, you got it. This is my son whom I dearly love. Listen to him! Don’t get distracted by other things, listen to Jesus! He’s the one.

And Jesus (I imagine) is re-invigorated.

Great thing to be reinvigorated, receive affirmation as you’re about to undertake something difficult. Set aside some of the hindrances, get past stumbling blocks, focus on the important.

• I’ve been at Ctown some thirty odd weeks, deployed on a mission, and recently reinvigorated. Not supernaturally but internally, in this body
with this infrastructure (people moving, visiting, leading), ability to examine and expand

• Mark 1:38 let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out… there are folks that don’t know Jesus, don’t know the gospel – Gordon L’s (he died last week) prayer was for them, and that is our purpose

• light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ…. How folks need Jesus now, how are we preaching it… how we continue to preach it… preach the gospel at all times, if necessary, use words.

My nickname is "Preach," given to me by some friends on the “fringe” (outside the church)... Be in relationship, invitational, attractive.

• transfiguration energized Jesus and benefited disciples, who were seeing beyond shadow of doubt that this Jesus the Nazarene was indeed something marvelous and wonderful.. that they would dedicate the rest of their lives to his service and celebration.

• be encouraged, be encouragement

• Hymn 512: My Savior’s Love
I stand amazed at the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how he could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean. How marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be, how marvelous, how wonderful is my savior’s love for me.

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