Sunday, January 8, 2012

This Is What You've Been Trained For

First Sunday after the Epiphany
Baptism of the Lord Sunday

Mark 1:4-11 and Acts 19:1-7

We've had our Christmas celebrations, we had our New Year’s covenant renewal…
now what, what’s next?

• Top Gun (1986) (synopsis) after graduation from flight battle school the graduating class hears this speech: The SS Layton has become disabled and has wandered into foreign territory.
A rescue operation will soon begin. Your mission is to give it air support.
There are MiGs in the area. If you witness a hostile act, return fire.
They carry the Exocet anti-ship missile. They can fire it from miles away.
This is the real thing.   This is what you've been trained for.     Make us proud.

They get a baptism by fire, as it were.

• Today's two scripture readings have to do with that: “This is what you’ve been trained for”
We have John the Baptist saying People get ready, order your lives, straighten up and fly right, and if you’re moved by ME just you wait…

We have Jesus submitting to John’s baptism, why? To fully identify with those he came to save and to show us if you would follow me THIS is where you start.

We have Paul taking the pulse of a community and finding them not fully equipped…

• These things are all connected to the question of purpose.
Jesus knew his purpose (do the will of him who sent him, to seek & save the lost, that we might have life abundant).
Paul knew his purpose (reach many for Christ, proclaim forgiveness in Jesus’ name).
John the Baptist knew his purpose (ready the way for Christ).

• A New Year’s resolution or at least hope of mine is that the worshiping congregation would not memorize but OWN our purpose, our mission, and demonstrate that ownership by practice.
          Our mission is to reach out to all persons with the love of Christ, and to make growing and living disciples of Jesus Christ.

• This is what you’ve been trained for…

What leaps out there for me is the action of reach out…

• reach out in healing…. Alongside compassionate presence.
• reach out in addressing poverty… circles
• reach out in being involved in ministries of reconciliation (prisoners, victims, addicts)
• those are just a few… be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ beyond these walls, using gifts in service.

• We are empowered by God (not left without power, as Paul discovered in Ephesus)… blessed to be blessing.

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