Friday, July 1, 2011


Hi, I'm Kerry
I'm a pastor in the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church.

I earned a BA in Chemistry from Grinnell College in 1994
and a M.Div from Lancaster Theological Seminary in 2001.
I was ordained an elder in The UMC in 2005.

I ride a 1983 Suzuki GS 650 GL.
I run a half marathon every other year.
I read a lot of books.

I am happily married to Melissa and our daughter L. was born in 2003. L. got her good looks from me because Melissa still has hers.

I served the West Lawn United Methodist Church as POYAYAM from 2002 to 2006.
(POYAYAM is an ancient Aramaic word that means Pastor Of Youth And Young Adult Ministries)

After that I served as pastor of the Spring City United Methodist Church from 2006 to 2011.
(my sermons from that era can be found at

I served as pastor of the Campbelltown United Methodist Church from 2011 to 2013.

In 2013 I accepted the bishop's appointment to serve "on loan" as pastor of First United Methodist Church, in Barboursville, West Virginia, beginning October 1, 2013.

And this is my blog.

And you're reading it.

Don't read it quietly! Leave a comment!

And knock 'em alive :)

I love you and there's nothing you can do about it

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having this blog site to refer to following your sermons on Sunday. I am the person who made the comment about "blooming where planted". After rethinking and rereading the passage and this blog, I think I missed the point!

    Now this is what I get from it:

    God allows good and bad in His world. He has promised that at Harvest time, His angels will take care of separating them. The parable tells us that as Christians, because we are servants, we do what the Master wants of us, even if we don't understand the whys or the big picture...we trust Him. It is our responsibility to wait patiently for the Harvest. If we jump the gun, so to speak, and start pulling at the weeds,we risk hurting. That is not love, that is not of the Master. My responsibility is to allow Him to bring me into a deeper relationship to Him. Then, with His guidance and direction, treat everyone he brings into my scope as He would, leaving all judgment to Him.

    God bless you and the congregation at Campbelltown as you journey together. (Steve and I are members of the Rio Linda Community UMC near Sacramento, CA. Judy Robins is our pastor.)
