Luke 7:1-10 Jesus heals a centurion's servant
Luke 7:11-17 Jesus raises a widow's only son
• Did you
ever have trouble deciding where you wanted to eat? “I don’t know… you choose, I don’t care…” Likely you can name some
places you DON’T want to go, but chances are your goal is more to spend time
with a loved one rather than a culinary experience.
• Luke Chapter six comes to the
end of Jesus’ sermon on discipleship, love, Christian community. Chapter seven gets
us in action again.
• (sermon title: Where is God?, from verse 16 God has come to help
his people.)
Two stories (centurion, widow) back to back here. Pretty common device in Luke,
some traits to point out about stories:
A man, a woman
A person with power (centurion), a person without (widow, now without son too)
A Gentile, a Jew
Someone physically present, someone NOT physically present
Both stories: we
don’t know the nature of the affliction
(but ‘inconvenience’ for centurion, livelihood for widow)
(but ‘inconvenience’ for centurion, livelihood for widow)
Both stories: it is a community of believers responsible for initial contact.
(one makes request, one is noticed by Jesus)
sidebar: splegchnizomai to be moved, to have compassion (verse 13)… emotion in gut instead of in heart… I love you with all my intestines… also in Good Sam and in Prod Son, indicative of depth of love for us)
(one makes request, one is noticed by Jesus)
sidebar: splegchnizomai to be moved, to have compassion (verse 13)… emotion in gut instead of in heart… I love you with all my intestines… also in Good Sam and in Prod Son, indicative of depth of love for us)
• Good news of God’s kingdom is for all… hope of life and
reconciliation for all,
not based on merit but on gift of God in power of Jesus
not based on merit but on gift of God in power of Jesus
• Back to verse 16: response: God has come to help his people.
Where is God? God is where there is community and compassion
(where you want to
eat? I want to spend time with you)
James 1:27 This is
true religion: look after orphans and widows in their distress & keep self
from being polluted by the world.
May this be where
we spend our time and resources, making saving power of Jesus known among
(categories above), offering hope of life and reconciliation to all.
• Closing Hymn: 604 Savior,
Again, in Thy Dear Name We Go